Over 2,000 Ear, Nose, and Throat doctors (ENT) now recommend Arches Tinnitus Formulas to their patients with tinnitus. They’ve made their decision based on over 35 clinical studies on the ingredients found in Arches Tinnitus Formula® (ATF), which are shown to be effective versus placebo.

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Darius Kohan MD*, a specialist in otologic surgery in New York, and a faculty member at several major medical centers, states regarding his patients with tinnitus due to sensorineural hearing loss:

Arches Tinnitus Formula doesn’t work with everybody, but works with about 75% to 80% of these patients. Arches Tinnitus Formula is a safe and benign treatment that we initiate for patients.” (1)

Donna Pierotti, R.N., a nurse serving under Dr. John J. Shea III at Shea Ear Clinic in Memphis, TN, reports:

“Dr. Shea recommends the Arches Tinnitus Formula for patients coming into the office who have been tested and have been determined to be candidates whose tinnitus condition may be helped by the formula. Dr. Shea usually recommends that they take two capsules in the morning and two capsules in the afternoon.” (1)

Forward-thinking ENTs understand that while there is no cure for tinnitus, there is help. For more than 16 years, Arches Tinnitus Formulas, using pharmaceutical-grade ingredients, has helped tens of thousands of tinnitus patients reduce the intensity of ringing in the ears.

Mechanism of Action

When the hair cells of the inner ear are damaged, they produce excess glutamate which floods the neuro-receptors in the auditory nerve and brain. Excess glutamate overexcites the receptors and causes them to fire continuously until they become depleted and eventually die. Arches Tinnitus Formula is a powerful glutamate antagonist and neuroprotector.

Every ENT knows that there is no panacea for tinnitus and Arches does not claim to be one. But for patients who experience sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus, Arches Tinnitus Formula has been shown to help a majority of those individuals. Call or email us to request a CD of 35 clinical studies, physican’s booklet and patient brochures now.

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Call 1-800-486-1237

*Darius Kohan, MD was selected by Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., a consumer resource for locating top medical providers, as a 2014 “Top Doctor” for the 18th consecutive year.  Top Doctors are nominated by their peers and reviewed by a physician led research team to be featured in the Castle Connolly data base, and in various publications, including America’s Top Doctors®.


(1)    Growing number of Otolaryngologists refer their patients to Arches Tinnitus Formulas. Medco Forum. Volume: 19; Issue: 35; September 2012.