By Barry Keate
Barry Keate, has lived with tinnitus over 40 years and has published 150+ research articles on numerous aspects of tinnitus. He is an expert on the condition and a well-known advocate for those with tinnitus.

If you are a part of the 10% of the global population that suffers from tinnitus symptoms, you are likely hoping for some relief. The ringing, buzzing, thumping, tapping, and clicking noises that follow you everywhere can be exhausting. However, you may be able to find relief with management techniques and alternative treatments for tinnitus. Since you can’t see your symptoms’ progress and because improvements can be slow, here are some signs that your ringing may be receding.
1. You Are Sleeping Better
Your tinnitus symptoms have likely gotten in the way of your sleep, and when you aren’t getting quality shut-eye, you definitely notice. Tinnitus can often leave you feeling irritable and exhausted in the morning or unable to get through the day without multiple cups of coffee or a midday nap. If you are now waking up feeling refreshed and have more energy than you used to, it might be a sign that your tinnitus symptoms are improving.
2. Improved Focus
Tinnitus can be distracting, and when you start to focus on the ringing in your ears, those emails you are trying to send can slip into the backseat of your mind. Gradual improvements in your hearing may go unnoticed in the short term. Still, if you find yourself concentrating on the task at hand for greater durations and are more productive throughout the workday, you may be experiencing improvements in your tinnitus symptoms.
3. More Positive Mood
The constant ringing, lack of focus, and disrupted sleep that tinnitus brings can affect your mood. If you don’t seem to notice improvements in your sleep and focus, you may realize your mood seems brighter than usual. As you sleep better, get more done throughout the day, and are less frustrated by the distractions of your tinnitus, you will naturally be in a better mood.
Additionally, the stress of your tinnitus symptoms worsening may have contributed to a great deal of stress in the past. If you find yourself not worrying as much about your hearing, it may be because it is actually improving.
4. You’re Turning the Volume Down
Tinnitus can often have you reaching for the TV remote so that you can hear your show and not the ringing in your ears. As your symptoms improve, becoming quieter and less distracting, you may notice that the radio is too loud, causing you to turn the volume back down.
5. Less Noise Sensitivity
On the flip side, if you found that your tinnitus wasn’t causing hearing loss but rather a heightened sensitivity to noises around you, a more leveled sound experience may indicate an improvement in your symptoms. If you notice that you are less aggravated or startled by noises that aren’t loud to others, you may be experiencing an improvement in your tinnitus symptoms.
6. Shorter Ringing Episodes
If you experience temporary tinnitus or tinnitus that suddenly increases in volume or intensity, episodes of heightened symptoms may last for weeks or months at a time. These incidents can be unpredictable and frustrating. However, if you find that your episodes are lasting for shorter periods of time or that you have more extended periods between episodes, it may be a signal that your condition is improving.
7. Less Pressure
Your inner ear is very sensitive, and when injuries or degradation occur to the area, you may experience intense pressure in your ears. This is similar to the feeling you get when your ears need to “pop” on an airplane. The delicate construction of our ears helps our body balance air pressure. When that structure is not functioning correctly, such as the damage associated with tinnitus, this feeling of pressure can be very present and constant. If this high-pressure sensation begins to fade, it can be a positive indicator that your inner ear is healing, and your tinnitus symptoms may lessen.
8. Less Dizziness
In addition to pressure changes, inner ear damage, and injuries can also cause dizziness, trouble with balance, or vertigo. A decrease in these symptoms may also indicate that your tinnitus is beginning to lessen in severity.
9. Quieter Sound
A quieter ringing, tapping, buzzing, or humming sound is one of the most positive indicators of improved symptoms. When the most significant symptom of tinnitus begins to affect your life less and less, it is an excellent sign that your issue is regressing.
Are you looking for this kind of relief?
While there is not yet a permanent cure for tinnitus, there are many treatments and remedies for the bothersome and sometimes painful symptoms associated with the condition. Vitamin supplements for tinnitus relief may include ingredients, such as zinc and ginkgo biloba. There are also other therapy methods, such as yoga poses that alleviate symptoms and earwax removal, that may help your tinnitus.

If you’re among the 10% of the global population with tinnitus, you may be seeking relief. Management techniques and alternative treatments can help, though progress can be slow and hard to notice. This infographic highlights signs that your ringing may be receding.
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